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Quinny ...
Ref: 1000369
Single Male seeking .. Open to All
Age: 38
 Hi all i am here
hi i am Q here. i love all and im into new experiences come lets talk and c where that takes us if you want to.

i am a male here

i would love to meet new intersting people/ couples.

i love all come and talk to me all your sexy kind sweet peolpe

love you all

Who and What I am looking for:
hi i am looking for something kinda new. intersting and exciting.

if you think you the one come then welcome in my world hehe i will take you places you like mmm and show you things you want mmm

come my angel im waiting for you alone here mmm yes ,you
If you're already logged-in, you may click the heart below to add me to your personal swinger-list!
If I respond by adding you to mine, then you can consider us matched & ready to cum together!!

• A few of my Fantasies:
i love sex come lets try it all the way and c which hole is the best hehe yes
• Some of my Do's and Don'ts:
i like ass licking and sucking, boobs Anal, i will be honest with you all the time and i need you to be truth full towards me.

Tell me what you want, need and want to feel, eat kiss mmm yes plz

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This website plays no further role in your liaisons other than to offer you direct communication and dating with other swingers. Your usual caution and common-sense is required.

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All swingers featured on this site are OVER 18-YEARS of age

Quinny last checked-in on 16 Mar 2021

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